martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

palmeras de dubai

Ya que se ven desde es espacio, serán estas islas parte de los nuevos mapas?

Para que estratos serán las islas? Habrán varios estratos? O será solo para los ricos?

Porque invertir esta cantidad de dinero en unas islas? Solo para atraer turismo? Recuperan toda esta plata con turismo? Cuanto se demoraran recuperandola?

La maquina marco-polo hubiera servido para los mineros en chile?

Cuanto duraran estas islas? Se moveran como los continentes lentamente e iran deformando su figura? Las grandes olas no destruiran los bordes de las isalas lentamente?

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

bubble gum diary: aug 26

today they offered me bubble gum like 10 times, it was very tempting, but a friend give me a snow mint instead, but I preferred bubble gum, it least longer.

bubble gum diary: aug. 25

Today I went to a restaurant and I really wanted bubble gum after dinner, but instead I eat the minds they bring with the check

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010


Bubble gum: candy

In 1928 BY: Walter Diemer

In these times the Second World War took place.

The bubble gum was invented just for fun, walter diemer worked for Fleer Chewing Gum Company. It was invented to created a nesessity in people and they buy it and this created money to the company. But now is used mostly to improve the bad breath.